OGC Vocabularies
Alternate Profiles
Different views and formats:
Alternate Profiles ?Profiles (alternative information views) encoded in various Media Types (HTML, text, RDF, JSON etc.) are available for this resource.
- http://www.opengis.net/def
- Description
- Definitions registered by OGC standardisation activities or hosted on behalf of related organisations.
- Authentication
- Bodies of the OGC
- Bodies of the OGC
- Building Blocks - OGC Main
- CURIE Register
- CaLAThe - Codelists
- Cadastre and Land Administration Thesaurus
- Collection type by the interpretation of its memberCharacteristics
- DCAT - DataCube
- Defence Geospatial Information Working Group definitions
- Earth Observation definitions
- GeoTIFF Tag Register
- HY_Features HydroFeature package
- ISO 19119 definitions
- ISO 8601 definitions
- Interoperability Profiles
- Levels of the Geography Markup Language (GML) simple features profile
- OGC CSW ebRIM definitions
- OGC Definitions
- OGC Definitions not managed via delegated registers
- OGC Documents
- OGC Glossary of Terms
- OGC Link Relation Type Register
- OGC Media Type Register
- OGC NetCDF definitions
- OGC Standards Baseline
- OGC Tile Matrix Set Register
- OGC Well-Known Scale Sets (WKSS)
- OGC nils
- Observation by result type
- Observation type
- ObservationCollection type
- Sample type
- SpatialSample by geometry type
- Specification Elements from Abstract Standard Topic 21 - Discrete Global Grid Systems (DGGS)
- Specification elements
- Specification elements for 12-000r2
- Specification elements for 16-100r2
- Specification elements for 16-101r2
- Specification elements for 16-104r2
- Specification elements for 17-069r3; OGC API - Features - Part 1: Core
- Specification elements for 17-069r4; OGC API - Features - Part 1: Core
- Specification elements for 18-058; OGC API - Features - Part 2: Coordinate Reference Systems by Reference
- Specification elements for 18-058r1; OGC API - Features - Part 2: Coordinate Reference Systems by Reference
- Specification elements for 19-072
- Specification elements for 19-079r1
- Specification elements for 19-086r4
- Specification elements for 20-002
- Specification elements for 20-082r2
- Specification elements for OGC 15-111r LandInfra
- Specification elements for OGC 16-102r2 LandInfra
- Specification elements for OGC 16-103r2 LandInfra
- Specification elements for OGC 16-105r2 LandInfra
- Specification elements for OGC 16-107r2 LandInfra
- Test commits
- TimeSeriesML - DataQualityCode
- TimeSeriesML - InterpolationCode
- TimeSeriesML - ProcessTypeCode
- TimeSeriesML - TimeseriesDomainRange
- TimeSeriesML - observationType
- Waterml definitions
- Well-Known Scale Sets (WKSS) Register
- authorities for definitions endorsed by the OGC
- coordinate reference systems
- datatypes
- http://www.opengis.net/def/doc-type
- http://www.opengis.net/def/function/geosparql
- http://www.opengis.net/def/isoDataTypes
- http://www.opengis.net/def/observationType
- http://www.opengis.net/def/ogc-wfs
- http://www.opengis.net/def/serviceType
- http://www.opengis.net/def/swe
- http://www.opengis.net/def/type
- ietf rfc 4646 definitions
- ogc-oseo
- units of measure definitions
Automated Pagination (more)
To page through these items, use query string arguments 'page' and 'per_page'.
headers of first
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are given in web responses.
Example: assuming 500 items, page 7, of 50 per page, is given by:
Link header with a response assuming 500 items would be:
Link: <http://defs-dev.opengis.net/vocprez/vocab/?per_page=500> rel="first", <http://defs-dev.opengis.net/vocprez/vocab/?per_page=500&page=6> rel="prev", <http://defs-dev.opengis.net/vocprez/vocab/?per_page=500&page=8> rel="next", <http://defs-dev.opengis.net/vocprez/vocab/?per_page=500&page=10> rel="last"
If you want to page through the whole collection, start at first
and follow link headers until you reach last
or until no last
is given. You shouldn't try to calculate each page
query string argument yourself.