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Building Blocks - OGC Main
- https://opengeospatial.github.io/bblocks/ ↗Go to the persistent identifier link
Definitionskos:definition | The OGC Building Blocks register provides an overview of a series of building blocks managed by the OGC community through a variety of processes:
Concept Hierarchyskos:hasTopConcept then skos:inScheme |
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Abstract abstract | OGC Specification Elements packaged as FAIR Building Blocks. |
Description description | The OGC Building Blocks register provides an overview of a series of [building blocks](https://ogcincubator.github.io/bblocks-docs/) managed by the OGC community through a variety of processes: - formal standards publication processes the Standards Working Groups - agreements with other standards bodies (eg. ISO) - community hosted examples of re-use (profiles and extensions of OGC standards) - informal "incubator" processes where more than one project needs a solution, and appropriate SWG scope is yet to be determined ![](https://lucid.app/publicSegments/view/9d075f82-8611-4f32-83eb-994143669cc8/image.png) Notes: 1. Policies are in preparation for naming and governance of these sub-registers, and this is subject to change pending adoption of such policies. 1. Building Block identification will be designed to support transition between governance domains without change using symbolic references. 1. A formal definition of Building Blocks and the level of "granularity" they represent with respect to the OGC Modular Specification is TBD. |
Object Type type | http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#ConceptScheme |
Preferred Label prefLabel | Building Blocks - OGC Main |