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OGC Testbed-16: Machine Learning Engineering Report
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Definitionskos:definition | This engineering report describes the work performed in the Machine Learning Thread of OGC’s Testbed-16 initiative. Previous OGC testbed tasks concerned with Machine Learning (ML) concentrated on the methods and apparatus of training models to produce high quality results. The work reported in this ER, however, focuses less on the accuracy of machine models and more on how the entire machine learning processing chain from discovering training data to visualizing the results of a ML model run can be integrated into a standards-based data infrastructure specifically based on OGC interface standards. The work performed in this thread consisted of: Training ML models; Deploying trained ML models; Making deployed ML models discoverable; Executing an ML model; Publishing the results from executing a ML model; Visualizing the results from running a ML model. At each step, the following OGC and related standards were integrated into the workflow to provide an infrastructure upon which the above activities were performed: OGC API - Features: Approved OGC Standard that provides API building blocks to create, retrieve, modify and query features on the Web. OGC API - Coverages: Draft OGC Standard that provides API building blocks to create, retrieve, modify and query coverages on the Web. OGC API - Records: Draft OGC Standard that provides API building block to create, modify and query catalogues on the Web. Application Deployment and Execution Service: Draft OGC Standard that provides API building blocks to deploy, execute and retrieve results of processes on the Web. MapML is a specification that was published by the Maps For HTML Community Group. It extends the base HTML map element to handle the display and editing of interactive geographic maps and map data without the need of special plugins or JavaScript libraries. The Design of MapML resolves a Web Platform gap by combining map and map data semantics into a hypermedia format that is syntactically and architecturally compatible with and derived from HTML. It provides a standardized way for declarative HTML content to communicate with custom spatial server software (which currently use HTTP APIs based on multiple queries and responses). It allows map and map data semantics to be either included in HTML directly, or referred to at arbitrary URLs that describe stand-alone layers of map content, including hyper-linked annotations to further content. Particular emphasis was placed on using services based on the emerging OGC API Framework suite of API building blocks. |
Broaderbroader | Public Engineering Report | | 2021-02-15 |
Creatorcreator | Panagiotis (Peter) A. Vretanos |
seeAlsoseeAlso | |
Statusstatus | valid |
Notationnotation | 20-015r2 |
Alternative LabelaltLabel | OGC Testbed-16: Machine Learning Engineering Report |
20-015r2 | |
OGC document typedoctype | Public Engineering Report |