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Testbed-12 OWS Common Security Extension ER
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Definitionskos:definition | The OGC suite of standards address the interoperable exchange of geographic information. The Web Service Implementation Standards define the discovery, delivery, and processing services that make information exchange possible. Common aspects of those Web Service standards have been collected into the OGC Web Services Common standard. While there are multiple versions of OWS Common, and flexibility in how it is applied, this combination of standards does enable interoperability. However, OWS Common neglected to address security. As soon as a service endpoint (an OGC Web Service instance) is secured, there is no guarantee of interoperability. The OWS Common - Security Standards Working Group (SWG) was approved by the TC in September 2015 ( It held its first meeting during the December 2015 TC meetings. The objective of this SWG to define an extension to the existing OWS Common to ensure interoperability between a secured service instance and client. This OWS Common Security Extension adds content to the standard regarding the implementation of security controls in such a way as to preserve interoperability. These additions will be in two areas. The first extension will provide more detail on the use of the HTTP protocol, particularly as it related to security controls. The second extension will address discovery and negotiation of security controls. This will provide an annotation model for the Capabilities document to enable a service provider to specify the security implemented at a service instance (endpoint). This ER shall serve as the technical background to the OWS Common - Security SWG to ensure that the standard that is to be created is comprehensive and suitable for all OGC Web Services standards, to overcome the interoperability hurdle, and - at the same time - maintain backwards compatibility. |
Broaderbroader | Public Engineering Report | | 2017-03-10 |
Creatorcreator | Andreas Matheus |
seeAlsoseeAlso | |
Statusstatus | valid |
Notationnotation | 16-048r1 |
Alternative LabelaltLabel | Testbed-12 OWS Common Security Extension ER |
16-048r1 | |
OGC document typedoctype | Public Engineering Report |