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OGC® Web Coverage Service Interface Standard - Interpolation Extension
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Definitionskos:definition | This OGC standard specifies parameters to the OGC Web Coverage Service (WCS) GetCov-erage request which give control over interpolation of a coverage during its server-side pro-cessing. This allows the client (user) to control and specify the interpolation mechanism to be applied to a coverage during server processing. This WCS Interpolation extension relies on WCS Core [OGC 09-110r4] and the GML Appli-cation Schema for Coverages [OGC 09-146r2]. |
Broaderbroader | Implementation Standard Extension | | 2014-02-26 |
Creatorcreator | Peter Baumann, Jinsongdi Yu |
seeAlsoseeAlso | |
Statusstatus | valid |
Notationnotation | 12-049 |
Alternative LabelaltLabel | 12-049 |
Web Coverage Service Interface Standard - Interpolation Extension | |
OGC document typedoctype | Implementation Standard Extension |