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- ISO19157-3 quality measures
Definitionskos:definition | Standard deviation - true value unknown and it is estimated as the arithmetic mean of the observations. |
has broaderbroader | 33 - linear error probable Half length of the interval defined by an upper and a lower limit, in which the true value lies with probability 50 %. |
34 - standard linear error Half length of the interval defined by an upper and a lower limit, in which the true value lies with probability 68.3 %. | |
35 - linear map accuracy at 90 % significance level Half length of the interval defined by an upper and a lower limit, in which the true value lies with probability 90 %. | |
36 - linear map accuracy at 95 % significance level Half length of the interval defined by an upper and a lower limit, in which the true value lies with probability 95 %. | |
37 - linear map accuracy at 99 % significance level Half length of the interval defined by an upper and a lower limit, in which the true value lies with probability 99 %. | |
38 - near certainty linear error Half length of the interval defined by an upper and a lower limit, in which the true value lies with probability 99.8 %. | |
54 - time accuracy at 68,3 % significance level Half length of the interval defined by an upper and a lower limit, in which the true value for the time instance lies with probability 68.3 %. | |
55 - time accuracy at 50 % significance level Half length of the interval defined by an upper and a lower limit, in which the true value for the time instance lies with probability 50 %. | |
56 - time accuracy at 90 % significance level Half length of the interval defined by an upper and a lower limit, in which the true value for the time instance lies with probability 90 %. | |
57 - time accuracy at 95 % significance level Half length of the interval defined by an upper and a lower limit, in which the true value for the time instance lies with probability 95 %. | |
58 - time accuracy at 99 % significance level Half length of the interval defined by an upper and a lower limit, in which the true value for the time instance lies with probability 99 %. | |
59 - time accuracy at 99,8 % significance level Half length of the interval defined by an upper and a lower limit, in which the true value for the time instance lies with probability 99.8 %. | |
68 - attribute value uncertainty at 68,3 % significance level Half length of the interval defined by an upper and a lower limit, in which the true value for the quantitative attribute lies with probability 68.3 %. | |
69 - attribute value uncertainty at 50 % significance level Half length of the interval defined by an upper and a lower limit, in which the true value for the quantitative attribute lies with probability 50 %. | |
70 - attribute value uncertainty at 90 % significance level Half length of the interval defined by an upper and a lower limit, in which the true value for the quantitative attribute lies with probability 90 %. | |
71 - attribute value uncertainty at 95 % significance level Half length of the interval defined by an upper and a lower limit, in which the true value for the quantitative attribute lies with probability 95 %. | |
72 - attribute value uncertainty at 99 % significance level Half length of the interval defined by an upper and a lower limit, in which the true value for the quantitative attribute lies with probability 99 %. | |
73 - attribute value uncertainty at 99,8 % significance level Half length of the interval defined by an upper and a lower limit, in which the true value for the quantitative attribute lies with probability 99.8 %. | |
1D variable 50 % probability; 1 redundant measurement Confidence interval for probability P=50 % derived from t-distribution by 1 redundant measurement. | |
1D variable 50 % probability; 10 redundant measurements Confidence interval for probability P=50 % derived from t-distribution by 10 redundant measurements. | |
1D variable 50 % probability; 2 redundant measurements Confidence interval for probability P=50 % derived from t-distribution by 2 redundant measurements. | |
1D variable 50 % probability; 3 redundant measurements Confidence interval for probability P=50 % derived from t-distribution by 3 redundant measurements. | |
1D variable 50 % probability; 4 redundant measurements Confidence interval for probability P=50 % derived from t-distribution by 4 redundant measurements. | |
1D variable 50 % probability; 5 redundant measurements Confidence interval for probability P=50 % derived from t-distribution by 5 redundant measurements. | |
1D variable 68.3 % probability; 1 redundant measurement Confidence interval for probability P=68,3 % derived from t-distribution by 1 redundant measurement. | |
1D variable 68.3 % probability; 10 redundant measurements Confidence interval for probability P=68,3 % derived from t-distribution by 10 redundant measurements. | |
1D variable 68.3 % probability; 2 redundant measurements Confidence interval for probability P=68,3 % derived from t-distribution by 2 redundant measurements. | |
1D variable 68.3 % probability; 3 redundant measurements Confidence interval for probability P=68,3 % derived from t-distribution by 3 redundant measurements. | |
1D variable 68.3 % probability; 4 redundant measurements Confidence interval for probability P=68,3 % derived from t-distribution by 4 redundant measurements. | |
1D variable 68.3 % probability; 5 redundant measurements Confidence interval for probability P=68,3 % derived from t-distribution by 5 redundant measurements. | |
1D variable 90 % probability; 1 redundant measurement Confidence interval for probability P=90 % derived from t-distribution by 1 redundant measurement. | |
1D variable 90 % probability; 10 redundant measurements Confidence interval for probability P=90 % derived from t-distribution by 10 redundant measurements. | |
1D variable 90 % probability; 2 redundant measurements Confidence interval for probability P=90 % derived from t-distribution by 2 redundant measurements. | |
1D variable 90 % probability; 3 redundant measurements Confidence interval for probability P=90 % derived from t-distribution by 3 redundant measurements. | |
1D variable 90 % probability; 4 redundant measurements Confidence interval for probability P=90 % derived from t-distribution by 4 redundant measurements. | |
1D variable 90 % probability; 5 redundant measurements Confidence interval for probability P=90 % derived from t-distribution by 5 redundant measurements. | |
1D variable 95 % probability; 1 redundant measurement Confidence interval for probability P=95 % derived from t-distribution by 1 redundant measurement. | |
1D variable 95 % probability; 10 redundant measurements Confidence interval for probability P=95 % derived from t-distribution by 10 redundant measurements. | |
1D variable 95 % probability; 2 redundant measurements Confidence interval for probability P=95 % derived from t-distribution by 2 redundant measurements. | |
1D variable 95 % probability; 3 redundant measurements Confidence interval for probability P=95 % derived from t-distribution by 3 redundant measurements. | |
1D variable 95 % probability; 4 redundant measurements Confidence interval for probability P=95 % derived from t-distribution by 4 redundant measurements. | |
1D variable 95 % probability; 5 redundant measurements Confidence interval for probability P=95 % derived from t-distribution by 5 redundant measurements. | |
1D variable 99.8 % probability; 1 redundant measurement Confidence interval for probability P=99,8 % derived from t-distribution by 1 redundant measurement. | |
1D variable 99.8 % probability; 10 redundant measurements Confidence interval for probability P=99,8 % derived from t-distribution by 10 redundant measurements. | |
1D variable 99.8 % probability; 2 redundant measurements Confidence interval for probability P=99,8 % derived from t-distribution by 2 redundant measurements. | |
1D variable 99.8 % probability; 3 redundant measurements Confidence interval for probability P=99,8 % derived from t-distribution by 3 redundant measurements. | |
1D variable 99.8 % probability; 4 redundant measurements Confidence interval for probability P=99,8 % derived from t-distribution by 4 redundant measurements. | |
1D variable 99.8 % probability; 5 redundant measurements Confidence interval for probability P=99,8 % derived from t-distribution by 5 redundant measurements. | |
1D variable 99 % probability; 1 redundant measurement Confidence interval for probability P=99 % derived from t-distribution by 1 redundant measurement. | |
1D variable 99 % probability; 10 redundant measurements Confidence interval for probability P=99 % derived from t-distribution by 10 redundant measurements. | |
1D variable 99 % probability; 2 redundant measurements Confidence interval for probability P=99 % derived from t-distribution by 2 redundant measurements. | |
1D variable 99 % probability; 3 redundant measurements Confidence interval for probability P=99 % derived from t-distribution by 3 redundant measurements. | |
1D variable 99 % probability; 4 redundant measurements Confidence interval for probability P=99 % derived from t-distribution by 4 redundant measurements. | |
1D variable 99 % probability; 5 redundant measurements Confidence interval for probability P=99 % derived from t-distribution by 5 redundant measurements. | |
Standard deviation - true value unknown Standard deviation for observations or measurements where the true value unknown. | |
has narrowernarrower | FTsd2 <math xmlns=""><msub><mi>S</mi><mi>Z</mi></msub><mo>=</mo><msqrt><mrow><mfrac><mn>1</mn><mi>N</mi></mfrac><munderover accent='false' accentunder='false'><mo>∑<… |
notationnotation | MDsd2 |
Formulaformula | FTsd2 |