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- ISO19157-3 quality measures
Definitionskos:definition | Standard deviation 2D - true value known; significance level 39.4%. |
has broaderbroader | 42 - circular standard deviation Radius describing a circle, in which the true point location lies with the probability of a normal distribution at 39.4 %. |
43 - circular error probable Radius describing a circle, in which the true point location lies with the probability of 50 %. | |
44 - circular error at 90 % significant level Radius describing a circle, in which the true point location lies with the probability of 90 %. | |
45 - circular error at 95 % significance level Radius describing a circle, in which the true point location lies with the probability of 95 %. | |
46 - circular near certainty error Radius describing a circle, in which the true point location lies with the probability of 99.8 %. | |
2D random variable 39.4 % probability confidence interval in two dimensions given by the probability P=39,4 % of the true value within an area | |
has narrowernarrower | FTsd1xy_CE39.4 <math xmlns=""><mfrac><mn>1</mn><msqrt><mn>2</mn></msqrt></mfrac><msqrt><mrow><msup><msub><mi>σ</mi><mi>x</mi></msub><mn>2</mn></msup><mo>+</mo><msup><msub><mi>… | | |
notationnotation | MDsd1xy_CE39.4 |
Formulaformula | FTsd1xy_CE39.4 |