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- ISO19157-3 quality measures
Definitionskos:definition | In this example, there are three sequences of data, S1, S2, and S3. There are eight points in S1 and the interval distance between each pair of consecutive points is measured as d1, d2, … d7. Similarly, d8 and d9 are measured for S2 and d10, d11, and d12 for S3. Among these distances, d3, d5, and d6 are above a specified threshold (e.g. 50 m) indicating lack of continuity in spatial coverage. The rate of spatial discontinuity in this example is thus calculated as: where n is the number of intervals with a distance above the threshold, and N is the total number of intervals in the data. |
has broaderbroader | 209 - rate of spatial discontinuity Quantity of spatially discontinuous data in relation to the total quantity of data. |
has narrowernarrower | FT208_P <math xmlns=""><mfrac><mrow><msubsup><mo>∑</mo><mrow><mi>i</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>0</mn></mrow><mrow><mi>n</mi><mo>'</mo></mrow></msubsup><msub><mi>l</mi><mi>i</mi>… | | |
notationnotation | MD209e |
Formulaformula | FT208_P |