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- Preferred Labelskos:prefLabel
Code list for textClayValue - codelist scheme
- http://w3id.org/glosis/model/codelists/textClayValueCode ↗Go to the persistent identifier link
Definitionskos:definition | Eva Corral-Pazos-de-Provens, Ígor Rapp-Arrarás and Juan M. Domingo-Santos, Estimating textural fractions of the USDA using those of the International System: A quantile approach, Geoderma, Volume 416, 2022. |
Concept Hierarchyskos:hasTopConcept then skos:inScheme |
expand all, click '+' to expand individually |
definition definition | Eva Corral-Pazos-de-Provens, Ígor Rapp-Arrarás and Juan M. Domingo-Santos, Estimating textural fractions of the USDA using those of the International System: A quantile approach, Geoderma, Volume 416, 2022. |
has top concept hasTopConcept | Clay (< 0.002 mm) |
note note | This code list provides possible values for textClay. |
preferred label prefLabel | Code list for textClayValue - codelist scheme |
see also seeAlso | Code list for TextClayValue - codelist class |
source source | http://www.opengis.net/def/entities/bodies/ogcna |
type type | Concept Scheme |